i got stuck in front of my desk. drinking my coffee little, little, until it's over. tried to write something into the blank page right in front of my eyes, but nothing. i tried to open other windows in my browser. facebook, twitter, tumblr, yahoo, google, but nothing. i was still stuck, and didn't know what to write.
i stopped writing, walking around, sit again, but nothing. i just couldn't find anything to write. as the page right in front of me, my head was also blank. there's nothing inside. everything i've got seemed like thrown away, nothing left.
'it is not the right way' someone inside my heart said. 'what you need is screaming out and crying to let everything flow' that voice again. then i couldn't find my finger nor my keyboard. a couldn't see the blank page nor the monitor. what i felt was the tears covered my pupil. then i felt something fell down passing my cheeks, stopped in my chin, sprinkle on my hands.
ya, i finally knew what i need. that was, a shoulder to cry on....
laik ndis yo